As an academic institution, the Faculty of Agriculture is dedicated to educating and training professionals in the agricultural field based on scientific standards and the demands of the labor market.  In order to support the growth of agriculture and the nation's sustainable development, this institution bases its teaching and research on the advancement of agricultural sciences.


The Faculty of Agriculture is determined to provide teaching, standardized research, training of expert and knowledgeable staff and other services related to the agriculture sector as a recognized scientific program at the national and regional level.


The Faculty of Agriculture fulfills its mission by providing expert students in the society in the training of human resources specialized and professional in the field of agriculture, using modern agricultural equipment for the purpose of sustainable development of agriculture and increasing agricultural production, in the economic growth and development of the country.


Departments in the Agriculture faculty

The Faculty of Agriculture has the following departments:

  • Agronomy department
  • Horticulture department
  • Forestry and natural resources department


Establishment of the Faculty of Agriculture

The Faculty of Agriculture was established in 2013 in the frame of Daikundi Higher Education Institute   and the purpose of creating agriculture faculty is to train experts and use of them for the development of society.  The students of this faculty are introduced every year by the National Directorate of Konkor Examinations.  In 2014, for the first time, this faculty attracted students through the National Administration of National Entrance Examinations in two departments of Agronomy and Forestry-Horticulture.

The current number of students of this faculty (in 2023) are 194, of which 70 are male and 124 are female.  From the beginning of its activity until now, this faculty has graduated four rounds of its students with a total number of 247 people, of which 139 are males and 108 are females with bachelor's degrees from the above two departments. The Department of Forestry and Horticulture was separated into two departments in 2023 under the name of Forestry - Natural Resources and Horticulture.  Currently, this faculty has three active departments.   The Scientific staff of this faculty were 6 people for the first time, and with the passage of time, the number of Scientific staff increased to 12 people.   In the administrative department, this faculty has two administrations (teaching and executive) and all teaching and administrative activities are carried out by these two administrations.



The statement from the dean of agriculture

The most vital factor needed to maintain human life is food. According to estimates published by the United Nations, the world population will reach 9.8 billion people in 2050. Nowadays, millions of people in the world do not have access to enough food. To reduce this issue, it is necessary to increase food production. Agriculture as an academic discipline promotes research that works to solve this problem from a wide range of angles. Agriculture works to improve the quality and quantity of food include: Increasing the efficiency of solar energy consumption of plants by increasing the rate of photosynthesis, development of crops that are highly resistant to disease and insect damage, amending soil that is not suitable for plant growth so that it can be used for growing crops, Increasing the efficiency of aquaculture such as fish, development of techniques to prevent the spread of infectious diseases among animals etc.

By deeply understanding the growth mechanisms of plants and animals, we can increase the number of these plants and animals and their reproduction rate and efficiency can be improved.  With more research, we can overcome the mysteries of living organisms, and understanding these functions is a vital goal of agronomy. Living things are so complex that they cannot be explained simply by physics or chemistry. Investigating this complexity is the essence of studying agriculture. Agriculture is a comprehensive science with research that covers a wide range of fields. Some research is done in scientific fields such as studies on the restoration of natural environments. analysis on plants; protection and use of forests; scientific aspects related to housing and shelter; use of water resources; soil science; development of medicinal resources; Science related to food safety; distribution and storage techniques of food products; research on the yield of agricultural products; and the use of microorganisms in agriculture and environment. In recent years, the field of agriculture is becoming highly specialized. The aim of the agriculture faculty is not only to educate students in the field of agriculture, it is equipping students with other standard knowledge and enables them to flourish in society.

Assistant Professor Habibullah poya

The dean of agriculture


The major goal of the Agriculture faculty

  • Providing professional students with standardized methods based on the needs of society.
  • Conducting professional research by professors and relevant students in the agriculture sector.
  • Publication of academic resources, presentation of educational and professional seminars and other scientific activities for the use of those interested and those who need information about the agriculture sector.
  • Providing suitable conditions and facilities for the training of experts so that they can carry out agricultural activities in a correct and useful manner that meets the needs of the society.
  • To provide a field of research for academic staff members and students in the framework of the strategic plan of Daikundi Higher Education Institute.

The Dean of the Agriculture Faculty's Introduction

Honorable Assistant Professor Habibullah Poya, the son of Azizullah, was born in 1989 in the village of Chehil Gonbad, Khaja Omari District, Ghazni Province, in a pious house.  He finished high school at Sultan Massoud Khaje Omari High School in 2006, and in 2008 he was enrolled in the Department of Agronomy, Faculty of Agriculture, Bamyan University and graduated in 2011.

Habibullah Poya was recruited as a professor at Ghazni Agriculture and Veterinary Institute in 2023 after the exam. He has served as a professor in this institute for 3 years. In 2013, after passing the staff exam, he was recruited as a professor in the Agriculture faculty. In 2018, he was introduced to Kabul University's master's program by the Ministry of Higher Education to spend his master's period. And in 2023, he obtained his master's degree from Kabul University.  He started working as the dean of Agriculture on 2023/7/29.

The standing of the Agriculture faculty's administrative staff and dean as well as their qualifications



Last name


education degree


call number







Dean of agriculture






Bachelor's degree

Director of Teaching






Bachelor's degree

Executive director







does not have

service worker




Sayeed Mohammad



does not have








does not have

service worker



Introduction and brief history of the Department of Agronomy

The Department of Agronomy is an active academic unit within the framework of the Faculty of Agriculture, whose purpose is to educate and expert and knowledgeable in the department of agriculture.

    The Department of Agronomy was established in 2013 in the Faculty of Agriculture. This department has five academic staff members. In total, this department has graduated 127 students in four periods, of which 64 are male and 63 are female, and the current number of students of this department in four classes is 79, of which 61 are female and 18 are male.


The Department of Agronomy is determined to be a nationally recognized program by providing teaching, standardized research, training of expert and knowledgeable staff and other services related to the field of Agronomy.


The Department of Agronomy is committed to providing standard scientific, research, and practical services in the direction of capacity building, training of scientific staff through teaching, research and providing professional services for the development and for the purpose of sustainable development of agriculture and increasing agronomic production, in the economic growth and development of the country, mission It fulfills itself by introducing people who are experts in the society.

Educational goals

  • Quality technical knowledge for standard and of agronomy department and their effective participation in the society.
  • To use sustainable agriculture systems to fight hunger and improve food security.
  • Successful of duties and responsibilities in government and non-government offices by using valid scientific research and specialized knowledge.
  • Acquiring professional knowledge and necessary skills to introduce methods of storage, processing and setting of raw materials for industrial factories.
  • Responding by providing educational programs and quality services for the development of Afghanistan's agriculture.
  • Introducing modern agricultural technologies to change traditional agriculture into modern agriculture.

Expected results

The following expectations can be obtained from the creation of the bachelor's degree program of the Department of Agronomy:

  • Training of professional staff in different department of agronomy.
  • Acquiring the necessary professional knowledge and skills to increase the production capacity of cultivated plants and their economic value.
  • Performing research projects to improve, produce better crops.
  • Eliminating food shortages that are the current problems of most countries in the world and Afghanistan.
  • Use of modern agricultural technologies to transform traditional agriculture into modern agriculture.
  • Strengthening sustainable agriculture systems to fight hunger through fair distribution of food and improving food security.
  • Strengthening agricultural institutions based on scientific and professional knowledge.

Definition of graduates:

The Department of Agronomy has been established to train expert and professional staff. Based on this, this department considers a person as a graduate of his bachelor's degree who completes 160 credits (6 optional credits, 72 credits of specialized, 60 credits of basic and 22 credits of general university) in a four-year academic period (8 semesters) can complete. and have the following conditions in the knowledge and skills section:


  1. In the Section of knowledge: Graduated from the Section of agronomy at the bachelor's level on the subjects (students' familiarity with the importance of different plants, plant anatomy, the relationship between plants and the environment, strengthening sustainable agriculture systems to fight hunger, using modern agricultural technology to transform traditional agriculture to modern agriculture, Performing research projects to improve the better production of cultivated plant products, identifying and recognizing the major problems of Afghanistan's soils and solving these problems, improving the quality of agricultural soils, the country's self-sufficiency in terms of food production and increasing export of agricultural quality products, food safety in Afghanistan), so that can be a specialist in the Department of Agronomy in the society.


  1.  In the Section of skills: A graduate of the Department of Agronomy is a person who has sufficient knowledge of the English language; To be able to use topics related to agronomy that are in English. Be familiar with Office programs and computer programs. An important skill for an agronomist is familiarity with Section research and agricultural laboratory; That is, familiarity with the types of designs in the research form and how to use the necessary software and devices in the laboratory that is used for research analysis is also considered very important.

The Sections work of graduates:

The experts of Graduates Agronomy Department can work in the Section of nutrition and food security, sustainable agriculture, plant fertility and nutrition, planning and analysis of scientific experiments, agriculture in dry areas, water and soil protection, teachers in agricultural training centers in government offices. And private and foreign institutions that are active in the agriculture sector can be attract.


Introduction and brief history of the Department of Forestry and Natural Resources

    Department of Forestry and Natural Resources is an active academic unit in the Department of Agriculture of Daikundi Institute of Higher Education, whose main goal is to train and improve the professional and research skills of people in the field of forestry and natural resources.

    This department named Department of Forestry and horticulture created in the year 1393 in the frame of the Faculty of Agriculture, as a result of the efforts of the officials of the Faculty of Agriculture and Daikundi of Higher Education Institution, it was separated into two independent departments of forestry and natural resources and horticulture in the year of 2/2/1402.


The Department Forestry and Natural Resources has been established in the Faculty of Agriculture of Afghanistan Universities. This department has been a leader in education and practical work by teaching subjects in the fields of forestry and natural resources, forest exploitation, national parks and wildlife and other relevant subjects. Expanding the borders of knowledge in the country and in a dynamic and constructive interaction with other scientific centers of the country and cross-border scientific centers is committed to providing educational services for the young generation.


Providing the basis for education, teaching, research and presentation of young specialists with scientific capacity and with a national mission for growth and development and the development of modern society is the mission of this scientific institution

Educational goals of the field

  1. Training of technical and professional experts and specialists in forestry and natural resources.
  2. Acquaintance and promotion of new systems of protection, revival and sustainable development of natural and artificial resources.
  3. Environmental protection, pastures, protected areas, national parks and wildlife, forests and deserts of the country.
  4. Introducing new technologies regarding the use of wood, forest fruits, medicinal plants.
  5. Increasing the technical and professional skills of students in the field of control and monitoring of running water in the country.
  6. Survey and research in the forestry and natural resources sector of the country.

Expected results

Afghanistan, a growing and backward nation, must prepare its youth for the material and spiritual advancement of the nation. The main causes of political, social and security problems in the country are poverty, unemployment and low level of public services, social injustice and low level of education.

By completing the bachelor's program in the Department of Forestry and Natural Resources, it is expected:

  1. The ability to manage the country's forest ecosystems.
  2. Being able to establish new forest areas in different areas of the country.
  3. Ability to manage protected areas of the country.
  4. Management of restoration of destroyed ecosystems (forests).

Definition of graduates

The field of forestry and natural resources of the Faculty of Agriculture has been established in order to train expert and professional staff, and the graduate of the Bachelor of Forestry and Natural Resources course under the Faculty of Agriculture is held in eight academic semesters of 16 weeks in the form of credit. Each credit includes 16 hours in theoretical courses, 32 hours in practical courses, and 48 hours in field work. The undergraduate course in forestry and natural resources has a total of 153 credits, including 45.741% of specialized subjects, 39.216% of basic subjects, 11.765% of comprehensive university subjects and 3.268% of optional subjects

Knowledge: Graduated from the field of forestry and natural resources, knowledge, expertise and research in various fields such as arboriculture, wood science, forest restoration and management, wildlife and bird protection, green spaces, parks, environment and also management and learns the reasonable and measured use of the main and secondary products of the forest.

Skills: Forestry and natural resources graduates acquire skills such as park design, standard methods of forest restoration and construction, watershed management, water sheet, forest and natural resource protection, and also computer and field survey skills

The field of work of graduates

       The field of work of forestry and natural resources graduates in agriculture, economy, environment, municipalities, greenery, ecotourism, rural development, agricultural institutes, universities, institutions, institutions and domestic and foreign companies in the agriculture sector and in general in Administrative departments and also professional and real estates of the agriculture sector.

Introduction of Horticulture Department

The Department of Horticulture was founded in 2015 in the Faculty of Agriculture forum under the name Department of Forestry and Horticulture. The first class of graduates was introduced to the public in 2019. The agency of Horticulture began operating independently in 2023 after being split out from the aforementioned agency due to requirement and necessities.  This department was established with the intention of providing students with specialized horticultural training in accordance with the industry's scientific requirements. In 2023, the department began accepting new students, and upon graduation, the field is made available to the general public. This department offers a variety of topics in light of the updated curriculum, including fruits, vegetables, flowers, and ornamental plants in a theoretical and practical manner.



In accordance with accepted principles, the Department of Horticulture is responsible for presenting academics to the public via the use of conventional teaching, research, and professional development methods. It also has the duty to support the growth and development of the horticulture industry and to collaborate with the process of overall economic and social development.


The goal of the Department of Horticulture is to advance, introduce, and broaden horticulture science, technology, and technology through the training of scientific and professional personnel. This will improve the quantity and quality of horticulture products by offering services related to teaching, research, and promotion, as well as foster business growth. to use the nation's wealth and guarantee food security in order to enable it to significantly contribute to the welfare process and the social, economic, and cultural advancement of society.


The goals of horticulture education

           The educational goals that follow are related to each other.

  1. Instructing students in various horticultural courses; • Developing the next generation of horticulturists


  1. Increasing the horticulture department's degree of understanding of students' abilities and talents
  2. Educating students on the application of contemporary technologies in the horticultural industry.
  3. Encouraging students to learn about the execution of different projects in the horticulture sector; fostering the growth of the industry and satisfying stakeholder demands.
  4. Research as well as scientific and technological studies in the field of horticulture.

Expected outcomes for the Horticulture Department

Students will gain future skills upon graduation from the Department of Horticulture, which will contribute to the industry's growth.

  1. Gaining experience and understanding in horticulture
  2. Assisting in the execution of horticultural projects
  3. Providing employment and guaranteeing the safety of food
  4. Enhancing horticultural product both in quantity and quality
  5. Promoting financial involvement in the horticultural industry
  6.  Horticultural product trade growth and value chain elevation
  7. Provide gardening services with the aim of advancing the social and economic well-being of the community.


The meaning of graduates

The establishment of the horticulture department aims to prepare and submit specialized personnel to the community. The department's decision-making is based on its objective, as well as the employment of conventional teaching, research, and promotion techniques to train students to the bachelor's degree in four years in order to increase the horticulture industry and contribute to the nation's economic development. The horticulture department's study time typically lasts for four academic years. The 161-credit curriculum of the horticulture department is mandatory for all students enrolled in this program.

51 percent of the total credits in this discipline are comprised of the 83 credits of core topics in this curriculum. Additionally, the curriculum's specialized subjects total 46 credits, or 27 percent of the total credits; university-integrated subjects total 24 credits, or 14.90 percent; and the curriculum's optional subject’s total 6 credits, or 6 percent of the total credits.

There are 70 subjects in total in this field of study, which consists of 28 basic subjects, 19 specialized subjects, 23 optional and included university subjects, and 2 research project subjects. If 6 optional subjects are used, the total credits are 161 credits.


Within the field of knowledge:

The growth of the horticulture industry is crucial to the nation's community development. Because advancements in agriculture lead to the creation of jobs, the reduction of poverty, the improvement of human health, the expansion of industry, and a rise in societal wealth. Thankfully, the nation's primary exports are horticultural goods, which have a sizable domestic and international market and significantly contribute to the nation's rising GDP.

Thus, the Department of Horticulture will enhance students' scientific abilities in a variety of areas, including the production of fruits, flowers, vegetables, ornamental plants, and the storage and processing of fruits and vegetables, in order to meet the aforementioned goals and create a standardized curriculum. This will enable the students to become knowledgeable employees who can carry out tasks in the community.



Graduates of the Department of Horticulture pick up skills in a variety of horticultural areas, including planning and designing decorative plants, growing fruits and vegetables, producing flowers, storing and processing horticultural goods, and learning about medicinal plants.

Furthermore, students learn about advanced agriculture, including the many layouts and kinds of greenhouses as well as the various kinds of micro-irrigation that are crucial to the development and expansion of horticulture goods.


Career path for graduates:

Afghanistan is an agricultural nation with a moderate climate that facilitates the production of a wide variety of horticulture plants. Fortunately, horticultural plant production has been known to humans from ancient times, allowing them to meet their basic requirements in this way.

As a result, the commercial sector and foreign technical and research institutions made investments and generated a large number of job possibilities in the horticulture industry. In light of this, graduates of horticulture programs have ample opportunity to work in a variety of horticulture-related fields, as well as in public and private institutions and sectors such as the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation, the Ministry of Commerce and Industries, the Ministry of Transportation, and Private Enterprises. This is great news for the horticulture sector as it fosters industry growth and the exchange of related products.





front message

Message the head of Daikendi Higher Education Institute


1 year 1 month ago

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

But then: universities and institutions of higher education are among the most importent educational institutions of the country, which under the leadership of the respected official of the Ministry of Higher Education of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, to raise and educate the children of the country and present them as human resources based on the demand of the labor market in today's societies with All the commitment and perseverance are working on behalf of the educational institutions of the country to realize the goals of the government the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan in the direction of economic, social, and cultural development. It is also responsible for the basic task, as during the recent years, the leadership of the Ministry of Higher Education  the Islamic Emirate has tried and have made unrelenting efforts to rebuild the higher education system for the qualitative growth of educational institutions so that higher education institutions can respond to the growing needs of society and reach the level of the third generation of universities that advanced societies have achieved, without a doubt Many of the country's educational institutions remained, except for the first generation, which are basically degree-oriented, while today some of the country's educational institutions have reached the second generation (science-oriented) and with the current situation, we will soon witness the third generation; Or the production-oriented generation, we will be the universities of the country, which will play an essential role in production, strengthening the industry and economy of the country and will cause a positive change in people's lives. Undoubtedly, the efforts of the leadership of the Ministry of Higher Education of the Islamic Emirate have not been ineffective, and today we are witnessing the qualitative change and development of the country's higher education institutions in accordance with the previous years, although in quantitative terms, the educational institutions of the country and in accordance with that, the increase of educational programs in 20 years Recently, they have had a little excessive growth, but we must not forget that only dealing with the quantity cannot bring us to the basic goals, which are training and providing human resources based on the demand of the labor market and the needs of the society. The ministries of higher education and educational institutions of the country have been placed, attention has been paid to the quality of higher education institutions, and as a result of the efforts of the relevant stakeholders, valuable steps have been taken to pay attention to the quality of higher education institutions, which has been a remarkable success. Among these achievements can be the creation of independent posts of the Quality Promotion and Accreditation Directorate, drafting the bill of duties of quality promotion and accreditation committees, implementation of scientific program review (APR), implementation of financial support, implementation of infrastructure projects, support of publications and magazines. Scientific and sending professors to master's and doctorate scholarships mentioned that these steps to achieve qualitative strategic goals can imply the scientific progress of educational institutions.


      Daikundi Institute of Higher Education, located in the center of Daikundi Province, Nili City, is one of the newly established and growing institutions in the country, and considers itself committed to the implementation and implementation of quality assurance programs to achieve the high goals of the Ministry of Higher Education and towards the standard Sazi strives in academic, educational, research and service programs to receive national and international credit as a standard educational institution, with this view, the leadership of the Higher Education Institute and the honorable Directorate of Quality Promotion and Accreditation have honestly tried to ensure that all departments and adjust the programs of the higher education institute based on the criteria of quality improvement and crediting; to be ready for review by the review board.

      Hereby, while appreciating the all-round support of the hardworking team of the honorable Ministry of Higher Education for the implementation of quality improvement and accreditation programs, as well as my dear colleagues in the honorable scientific, financial and administrative vice-chairs, the honorable deans of faculties, the honorable directorate of quality improvement and accreditation, the committee I express my gratitude and appreciation to all the dear ones who have worked hard in the preparation and arrangement of the self-evaluation report for the year 1401 of Daikundi Institute of Higher Education, and I wish them further success from the door of the Holy of God.

  Engineer Mohammad Nasser Hanzalah, the head of Daikundi Higher Education Institute
