کنفرانس علمی پیرامون شریک سازی نتایج تحقیقات استادان مؤسسه تحصیلات عالی دایکندی با ادارات ذینفع، محصلان و استادان برای یک روز برگزار شد.

Thu, Feb 27 2025 11:30 AM
> کنفرانس علمی پیرامون شریک سازی نتایج تحقیقات استادان مؤسسه تحصیلات عالی دایکندی با ادارات ذینفع، محصلان و استادان برای یک روز برگزار شد.


 شریک سازی نتایج تحقیقات علمی با جامعه، ادارات ذینفع، محصلان و محقیقان یکی از موضوعات مهم و اساسی  و هم چنین یکی از مکلفیت های پوهنتونها و مؤسسات تحصیلات عالی به حساب می آید. از جهت دیگر تحقیقات علمی و پالیسی ساز معتبر می تواند یک جامعه و مملکت را بسوی پیشرفت و ترقی سوق دهند. از اینرو به تاریخ ۱۴۰۳/۱۲/۸  هه ش مطابق ۱۴۴۶/۸/۲۷ هه ق کنفرانس علمی شریک سازی نتایج تحقیقات استادان موسسه تحصیلات عالی دایکندی با محصلان ، اعضای کادر علمی و ادارات ذینفع ولایتی توسط آمریت تحقیق و مجله علمی با هماهنگی آمریت مرکز انکشاف مسلکی و کمیته تحقیق پوهنحی زراعت در سالن کنفران این نهاد برای یک روز برگزار شد در این کنفرانس دو تن از استادان هریک پوهنمل رحمت الله کاظمی و پوهنیار حبیب الله پویا از پوهنحی زراعت موسسه تحصیلات عالی دایکندی نتایج تحقیقات خویش را برای اشتراک کننده گان این برنامه شریک ساختن. ضمن شریک سازی نتایج تحقیقات بحث و گفتگوی همه جانبه در رابطه به تحقیقات علمی و مشکلات و راه حل های آن بخصوص در بخش زراعت توسط اشتراگ کننده گان به بحث گرفته شد. همه اشتراک کننده گان کنفرانس شریک ساختن نتایج تحقیقات علمی با جامعه و ادارات ذینفع  را یک امری ضروری دانسته و خواستار دوامدار هم چنین تحقیقات و نوآوری ها شدند و بکارگیری نتایج همچنین تحقیقات را در رفع مشکلات روز مره زندگی جامعه مفید دانسته و استقبال همه جانبه نمودند. این کنفرانس علمی در اخیر با دوعائیه خیر پایان یافت.

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front message

Message the head of Daikendi Higher Education Institute


1 year 1 month ago

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

But then: universities and institutions of higher education are among the most importent educational institutions of the country, which under the leadership of the respected official of the Ministry of Higher Education of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, to raise and educate the children of the country and present them as human resources based on the demand of the labor market in today's societies with All the commitment and perseverance are working on behalf of the educational institutions of the country to realize the goals of the government the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan in the direction of economic, social, and cultural development. It is also responsible for the basic task, as during the recent years, the leadership of the Ministry of Higher Education  the Islamic Emirate has tried and have made unrelenting efforts to rebuild the higher education system for the qualitative growth of educational institutions so that higher education institutions can respond to the growing needs of society and reach the level of the third generation of universities that advanced societies have achieved, without a doubt Many of the country's educational institutions remained, except for the first generation, which are basically degree-oriented, while today some of the country's educational institutions have reached the second generation (science-oriented) and with the current situation, we will soon witness the third generation; Or the production-oriented generation, we will be the universities of the country, which will play an essential role in production, strengthening the industry and economy of the country and will cause a positive change in people's lives. Undoubtedly, the efforts of the leadership of the Ministry of Higher Education of the Islamic Emirate have not been ineffective, and today we are witnessing the qualitative change and development of the country's higher education institutions in accordance with the previous years, although in quantitative terms, the educational institutions of the country and in accordance with that, the increase of educational programs in 20 years Recently, they have had a little excessive growth, but we must not forget that only dealing with the quantity cannot bring us to the basic goals, which are training and providing human resources based on the demand of the labor market and the needs of the society. The ministries of higher education and educational institutions of the country have been placed, attention has been paid to the quality of higher education institutions, and as a result of the efforts of the relevant stakeholders, valuable steps have been taken to pay attention to the quality of higher education institutions, which has been a remarkable success. Among these achievements can be the creation of independent posts of the Quality Promotion and Accreditation Directorate, drafting the bill of duties of quality promotion and accreditation committees, implementation of scientific program review (APR), implementation of financial support, implementation of infrastructure projects, support of publications and magazines. Scientific and sending professors to master's and doctorate scholarships mentioned that these steps to achieve qualitative strategic goals can imply the scientific progress of educational institutions.


      Daikundi Institute of Higher Education, located in the center of Daikundi Province, Nili City, is one of the newly established and growing institutions in the country, and considers itself committed to the implementation and implementation of quality assurance programs to achieve the high goals of the Ministry of Higher Education and towards the standard Sazi strives in academic, educational, research and service programs to receive national and international credit as a standard educational institution, with this view, the leadership of the Higher Education Institute and the honorable Directorate of Quality Promotion and Accreditation have honestly tried to ensure that all departments and adjust the programs of the higher education institute based on the criteria of quality improvement and crediting; to be ready for review by the review board.

      Hereby, while appreciating the all-round support of the hardworking team of the honorable Ministry of Higher Education for the implementation of quality improvement and accreditation programs, as well as my dear colleagues in the honorable scientific, financial and administrative vice-chairs, the honorable deans of faculties, the honorable directorate of quality improvement and accreditation, the committee I express my gratitude and appreciation to all the dear ones who have worked hard in the preparation and arrangement of the self-evaluation report for the year 1401 of Daikundi Institute of Higher Education, and I wish them further success from the door of the Holy of God.

  Engineer Mohammad Nasser Hanzalah, the head of Daikundi Higher Education Institute
