

Introduction of the faculty of Education

The Faculty of Education is dedicated to preparing future educators and leaders in the field of education. Our mission is to provide high-quality training and education that equips students with the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in various educational settings. We offer a range of undergraduate and graduate programs that focus on pedagogical theories, teaching methodologies, curriculum development, and educational psychology. Our faculty members are experienced professionals and researchers who are committed to fostering a supportive and engaging learning environment. In addition to academic training, we emphasize the importance of practical experience through internships and fieldwork, allowing students to apply their knowledge in real-world situations. We also promote continuous professional development and lifelong learning among our graduates. The Faculty of Education plays a vital role in shaping the future of education and contributing to the development of a knowledgeable and skilled workforce.

Establishment of Faculty of Education: Daikundi Institute of Higher Education based on the proposal number (17) dated (11/1/2013) of the Office of the Head of the Office, Directorate of the Ministry of Higher Education to the President and Decree No. (318) dated (17/1393) of President Hamid Karzai The amount of (41) employees in the personnel, administrative and service department was intended and created.

The Faculty of Education was established with the organization of one person as the head of the faculty and six professors in two departments (Mathematics-Physics and Chemistry-Biology) and started working in 2014. Also, in 2013, this faculty was included in the entrance examination courses and in 2014, 121 students were introduced in two departments.

In 1395/1396, the joint departments were separated and turned into four graduate departments. Currently, this faculty has 19 staff members, including 9 master's degrees, 5 undergraduates, 5 bachelor's degrees, 3 administrative staff and 2 service staff.

Existing departments

Faculty of Education: Now it has the following four departments:

• Math

• Physics


• Biology


Considering the needs of the society in the field of education and training, the Faculty of Education educates and presents the generation of experts and professionals to the society by providing suitable scientific and research programs and providing quality services.


   The Faculty of Education has continuously made efforts to improve and raise the quality of education and according to the curriculum of the Ministry of Higher Education, it has improved its teaching process and in advancing scientific and research activities and strengthening the sense of personal and social responsibility of students from Through accurate understanding, they will strive with high Islamic and human values.


The purpose of establishing the Faculty of Education:


• Because education is the foundation of all sciences. Today's society, which needs progress, is institutionalized based on these sciences. The urgent need of the society to teach scientific-research programs and skills training, as a result, necessitated the creation of this university.

• The training of scientific and professional personnel accepted at the national and international level, committed to Islamic and Afghan culture, is one of the main goals.

• Development of the spirit of mutual acceptance, feeling of individual and social responsibility are also basic goals.

  • Long-term Goals:

 • Enhance the capacity of the staff and administrative sector.

 • Increase academic, administrative, and service formations.

• Establish a minimum of three to seven new departments.

 • Create and equip laboratories for the departments.





Message from the Dean of the Faculty of Education

Colleges in the bodies of universities/institutes of higher education are among the most basic educational institutions in the country, which are for the education and training of the young generation in accordance with national and international scientific-research standards, using modern resources and technology as human resources. They strive to meet the needs of the society and the labor market with all commitment and perseverance.

 In its short-term and long-term plans, the Ministry of Education considers economic, social and cultural development as one of its basic duties and strives to achieve it. The round-the-clock efforts of all colleagues in this educational institution have resulted in significant changes in providing quality educational services, implementing effective and efficient academic programs, providing fast and useful administrative services, institutionalizing a sense of individual responsibility and tolerance.

This university has expert staff committed to all Islamic and human values, almost 70% of which are master's professors who have graduated from the best national and international universities. But despite the lack of personnel, administrative and service departments, laboratories and library, this university has tried its best not to lag behind other national institutions. It is hopeful that one day we will see the reduction of all deficiencies and many scientific and research achievements.

Teaching assistant Sayed Anwar Sirat

Dean of the Faculty of Education


Introduction of the Dean of the Faculty of Education

Sayed Anwar, son of Sayed Mohammad Hussain, was born in 1988 in the village of Zard Sang, in the district of Shahristan, Daikundi Province. He completed his secondary education at Alama Shaheed High School in Shahristan and then finished his high school studies at the Male High School in Shahristan, Daikundi Province. In 2007, he graduated from high school with high honors. After taking the entrance exam (Kankor) in 2009, he was admitted to Kabul University, Faculty of Science, Department of Physics. After four years of study, he successfully graduated from this university in 2012. Additionally, he obtained a Master's degree in Nuclear and Particle Physics from the Faculty of Science at China Three Gorges University in 2023.

Beginning Work in Government Offices

In 2013, after passing the competitive exam for the physics position in the Department of Physics at the Faculty of Education, Farah Higher Education Institute, he was successfully appointed as an instructor (candidate professor) and worked in academic affairs (teaching subjects, seminars, etc.) until early 2014. In 2014 and 2015, he served as a physics instructor in the Faculty of Education at Ghor Higher Education Institute. From December 10, 2015, to June 14, 2022, he held the position of Director of Daikundi Higher Education Institute. Since May 20, 2024, he has been serving as the Dean of the Faculty of Education and as an instructor in the Department of Physics at this institute. Additionally, considering his administrative responsibilities, he translated the book "Physics for Engineers and Scientists" and has two international articles and one national article to his credit.

The reputation of the head of the university and the administrative-service staff of the university of education and training




Last name

Academic’s advance

Degree of education

Duty in department

Phone Number



Sayed Anwar


Teaching assistant




Glulam Ali



Bachelor’s degree




Ali Khan



Bachelor’s degree








Bachelor’s degree






Introduction and brief history of the mathematical Department

Mathematics is an active academic unit within the framework of the Faculty of education and training, which aims to train knowledgeable and skilled personnel in the Department of teaching Mathematical Sciences, Strictly and professionally, in the form of a standard curriculum approved by the Ministry of higher education by a skilled staff.

The Department of mathematics and physics was established in 2013 in the Faculty of education and training. For the first time, 60 students were introduced to the department by the National Examination Department. In the first year the scientific member was tow person, and in 2016, another person was added to the scientific staff of this department. Two more people were added to the scientific staff in 2017 and 2023. One English professor and one physical education professor are also considered members of the scientific staff of the Department of mathematics.

The department currently has 17 students and has completed six rounds of graduation.

 The view of the mathematical Department

Mathematics is an active academic unit within the framework of the Faculty of education and training, which aims to train knowledgeable and specialized personnel in the Department of Mathematical Sciences and provide higher education with quality and standards tailored to the needs of society and the labor market.

Mission of the mathematical Department

The Department of mathematics considers it its mission to develop and improve the level of professional knowledge of students to facilitate the acquisition of specialized knowledge of related mathematical sciences based on the needs of the community.

Educational objectives of mathematics

The objectives of the mathematics department are as follows:

  • In order to train specialized and committed teachers and professors and send them to schools and universities.
  • dents familiar with new mathematics
  • The importance of mathematics in all departments of Natural Sciences and Social Sciences
  • The fundamental role of mathematics in the advancement of Science and technology is accepted by everyone. Because today, it is not possible to learn any science without learning the special mathematics of that science.
  • Training of mathematicians for science centers and schools of the Ministry of Education

Fields of work of graduates of the mathematical Department

  • Teaching in schools
  • Recruitment of academic staff in public and private universities
  • Appointment of scientific staff members in computational sectors such as accounting in government and non-government departments
  • Raising the scientific level inside and outside in mathematics, in economics and engineering.


  • Young and experienced professors with a master's degree in science
  • Having plans for one year and several years for the future.
  • Having a standard classroom.
  • Teaching benchmarks according to the needs of the labor market and society.
  • Use of first-hand resources by teachers.
  • High motivation for research and teaching


  • There was no scholarship to improve the capacity of teachers.
  • Lack of a standard library at the department level.
  • Lack of sufficient and standard internet for teachers.
  • Lack of access to the internet for students.
  • No separate rooms for teachers to research and study
  • Lack of dormitories and transportation for students



Last name

Academic’s advance

Degree of education

Duty in department

Phone Number

E-mail Address


Mohammad Ali


Teaching assistant







Teaching assistant





Mohammad Taqi Ahadi

Hussain Reza

Teaching assistant







Teaching assistant





Ahmad Khalid


Teaching assi






Ali Zada

Teaching assistant

Bachelor’s degree








Introduction and brief history of the Physics Department:

  • Department of Physics is an active academic unit within the framework of education faculty, the education faculty was opened in the year (2013) in the body of Daikundi Higher Education Institute and had two departments in (mathematics and physics, chemistry and biology) and each department had 4 academic staffs which separated to four departments in 2016. The Physics Department is one of them and currently continues its academic activities independently.
  • In 2014, for the first time, this department got admission 60 students through the public entrance exam, which currently has 105 students. The number of scientific staff members of this department is 5, including 2 masters and 3 bachelors, and one of them is currently a master's student abroad also one another is an indoor master's student.

Objectives of Physics Department:

  • Focus on education and scientific research.
  • Compilation and translation of textbooks.
  • Using standard teaching methods and technology.
  • Improving the level of professional knowledge and skills of scientific staff members.
  • Teach standardized teaching methods.
  • Efforts to improve the teaching quality.
  • Creating a well-equipped library for students and professors.
  • Creating a physics software training center for students and professors.

Achievements of Physics Department:

Determining the topic of translation for the promotion of a professor and sending 2 physics professors to a master's program abroad, preparation of lecture notes and necessary plans by physics professors)

The first round of physics department graduates is in 2017 and so far 4 rounds of physics students have graduated.

Values of Physics Department:

  • Respect for national and Islamic values.
  • Justice and equality.
  • Respecting the applicable laws of the country and human rights.
  • Developing cooperation within the institution with other departments.

Physics Department's point of view:

The Department of Physics wishes to have expert, professional teachers and qualified and active leaders in the field of physics in the field of teaching, research and pedagogic skills, professional commitment and honesty, regardless of language, ethnicity, race, region and gender. To deliver scientific, specialized and professional knowledge to the society.

Mission of Physics Department:

The physics department has a mission to:

  • It offers accepted academic programs at the national and international level, including new educational curricula, in order to prepare professors and teachers who are professionals and experts in the field of physics to meet the needs of higher education institutions, teacher training institutions and schools of the country.
  • To provide bachelor's degree education in the field of physics for school graduates and graduates of the 14th classes of teacher Training departments, current teachers of schools in Daikundi Province (both private and public).
  • Emphasize the promotion of quantity and quality.
  • Establish a relationship with national and international academic institutions through the institute.
  • Turn the department into a teaching, training and research center of physical science.


  • Young and experienced professors
  • Having a plan for the future
  • Having standardized classes
  • Having a standardized and comprehensive curriculum approved by the Ministry of Higher Education.
  • Standard teaching according to the needs of the labor market and society.
  • Use of first-hand sources by professors.
  • Existence of motivation for research in the field of expertise of professors.


  • Failure to grant scholarships to professors to improve their capacity.
  • Absence of laboratory.
  • Lack of a standard library at the department level.
  • Not having an expert lab technician in the field of physics.
  • Lack of space (room) for each teacher.
  • Non-existence of standard desks and chairs for professors in the department.
  • Lack of sufficient internet and standards for professors.
  • Lack of access of students to the Internet.
  • Absence of conditions to establish communication with relevant national and international departments.


Last name

Academic’s advance

Degree of education

Duty in department

Phone Number





Teaching assistant





Sayed Anwar


Teaching assistant







Teaching assistant

Bachelor’s degree






Teaching assistant

Bachelor’s degree






Teaching assistant

Bachelor’s degree





                 Birth certificate of Chemistry Department

Introduction and brief history of the Department of Chemistry

      The field of chemistry is an active unit in the framework of Daikundi Higher Education Institute's curriculum, which forms the basis of the work of the professors of this department: teaching, translation, research, writing and guiding students in various scientific and academic fields.

 The main goal of the chemistry department is to follow the procedures, bills, regulations and laws of the honorable Ministry of Higher Education and their implementation. Chemistry professors are obliged to carry out their scientific and academic activities in the light of these mentioned points. So that professionally trained teachers equipped with contemporary educational theories can educate and present to the society.

      The chemistry department was opened in 2014 together with the biology department, with the creation of an education and training curriculum in Daikundi Higher Education Institute, so that at that time, the education and training curriculum included two graduate departments (mathematics-physics and chemistry-biology) and each department had 3 members. It was a scientific staff. In 2016, the chemistry department was separated from the biology department, after which the chemistry department continued its academic activities separately. The number of professors of this department increased to 2 in 1394 and two people were added to the academic staff of this department in 1396 and 1402. Similarly, two members of the academic staff were appointed to this department in the current year of 1403. Unfortunately, one of the professors of this department later He has left the department since the end of his master's course.

     The first round of graduates of the Chemistry Department was in 2017 and so far six rounds have graduated.

The timeline of this department's achievements can be calculated as follows:

1. The classrooms of this department were moved in 2019 during the renovation of three floors of education and training (four classrooms on the second floor and one laboratory classroom on the third floor, which are used by this department, are accessible to this department).

2. Obtaining a master's degree from one of its professors

3. Recruitment of five academic staff members in the body of the department.

4. Having international and national scientific articles, preparing lecture notes by professors and using various modern educational systems and online courses by professors and sending them to students.


Department view

      The Department of Chemistry is an active unit in the university body of education and training, which aims to train knowledgeable staff, expert, professional teachers, worthy and active leaders in the field of chemistry in the field of teaching, research and pedagogical skills; With professional commitment and honesty, regardless of language, ethnicity, race, region and gender; Scientific, specialized and professional training is in accordance with the needs of the society and the labor market.

Mission of the department

     The mission of the Department of Chemistry is to provide quality education in chemistry, promote innovative research, and contribute to the advancement of science. The goal of the Chemistry Department is to equip students with the necessary knowledge and skills to solve closed scientific problems and challenges and create a deep understanding of chemical principles.

Educational goals of chemistry

The following are the educational goals of the Chemistry Department:

1- Creating a calm platform for rich and quality teaching, research and education in different chemistry departments for all the purposes of the students department.

2- Training professional and committed teachers and specialists and sending them to schools and universities

3- Teaching and familiarizing students with the importance of chemistry and its relationship with other natural and scientific sciences.

4- Introducing the new, modern and advanced curriculum;

5- Preparation of books, lecture notes and introduction of authentic domestic and foreign sources for students;

6- Hiring professors to guide students in each class;

7- Creating a rich and accessible library in the form of hard and soft.

The objectives of the professors' department;

1. - Developing and improving the quality of teaching, research and providing high quality and standard education.

2. Improving the level of knowledge of the professors of the department up to master's and doctorate levels;

3. Familiarizing professors with the most modern teaching methods;

4. participation of professors in seminars, workshops and educational courses;

5. Creating favorable conditions for teaching foreign languages;

3. Provision of systematic use of contemporary technology and educational programs

4. Requesting short-term and long-term scholarships for professors to improve their level of education and knowledge from competent authorities.

5. Attracting talented and capable professors from the young generation in the scientific staff of the department based on their scientific, professional, and moral competence; But not based on prejudice, discrimination and personal interests;

6. Trying to promote the presentation of lessons through PowerPoint.

7. Demand for equipping chemistry laboratories with modern materials and technologies.

Expected results

     The Department of Chemistry wishes to be an active model, with discipline and refined with national and international standards. According to its planned goals, it responds to the needs of the society, which is to train professional, expert, faithful, committed and loyal professors and teachers. It is for high human and national values. The department hopes that its graduates, who are educated without ethnic, religious, linguistic and positional affiliations, can compete at the national and international level with the graduates of the bachelor's course in chemistry from overseas countries in terms of knowledge and profession. In this way, the department must fulfill its mission before God, nation and society honestly.

Definition of chemistry graduates

     The program (Chemistry Department) of Daikundi Higher Education Institute, in order to cultivate expert, professional and active leaders for (educational institutions, to prepare professors and professional and expert teachers in the chemistry department in order to meet the needs of higher education institutions, Teacher training institutions and schools have been established in the field of teaching, research and pedagogical skills, with professional commitment and honesty, regardless of language, ethnicity, race, region and gender; scientific, specialized and professional education. Based on this, the program (Alchemy); A person is considered a graduate of his bachelor's degree who, according to the curriculum, has completed at least 136 credits in a four-year study period (8 semesters) and has the following conditions in terms of knowledge, skills and behavior:

a. In the field of knowledge: the graduates of chemistry have the ability and capacity to compete with their peers in the countries of the region and the world, and the ability to research, analyze and analyze chemical materials to be able to do practical work. have relative knowledge in (chemistry) programs, especially about the basics of chemistry, organic inorganic chemistry, physical chemistry, spices, radiochemistry, polymers, Nano chemistry, complex chemistry, etc., and its role in industry and commerce, science, education and understand education, agriculture and medicine, spices, pharmacy, etc.

b. In the skills section: a graduate of the program (chemistry) is a person who; If necessary, he should be familiar with the international language (English) and the specialized language of chemistry with its rules. He has the ability to prepare and organize scientific articles in the field of chemistry and is familiar with Chemdraw, office and other computer programs and able to solve his problems in the relevant departments.

c. In the conduct section: a graduate of the program (chemistry) is a person who has completed the curriculum of his specialized and professional subjects; respect for Islamic and national values, good morals and academic conduct, religious and patriotism, respect for religious, legal and human values, who can ensure justice in all matters in the best way and is committed to the homeland and It is a duty and to consider Allah the Almighty as the overseer and the judge in carrying out all the current affairs.

 (needs assessment) the country's needs, the market's needs

     Chemistry is one of the branches of science. Its application in the field of industrial production and especially in the sector of mineral production and other applications is of particular importance. Most of the time, there is a great need for expert and professional chemistry teachers in schools. In addition, as professional experts in the fields of agriculture and industry, the science of chemistry is used for the production of chemical fertilizers, various medical spices, and the preparation of composite polymers. The following points prove the need to create this science:


1. Young and experienced professors.

2. Having short-term and long-term plans for the future.

3. Having enough classrooms and standards equipped with LCD

4. Having a standardized and comprehensive curriculum approved by the Ministry of Higher Education.

5. Standard teaching according to the needs of the labor market and society.

6. The use of authentic and first class sources by professors.

7. Existence of motivation for research in the field of expertise of professors.

8. Having a relative laboratory


1. Failure to grant scholarships to professors to improve their capacity.

2. Lack of laboratory equipment and materials.

3. Lack of a standard library at the university and department level.

4. Lack of scientific staff in the department.

5. Lack of sufficient internet and standards for professors.

6. Lack of access of students to the Internet.

7. Lack of separate rooms for research and study for professors

8. Absence of conditions to establish communication with relevant national and international departments.



The reputation of the professors of the Department of Chemistry, University of Education and Training





Scientific rank

degree of education


mobile number


Links to articles


Sayed Mohammad



Senior Teaching Assistant


Head of Chemistry Department



Nazar Ali



Teaching Assistant

Bachelor's degree








Teaching Assistant

Bachelor's degree


(+93) 0774758601



Gholamm Mohammad



Teaching Assistant

Bachelor's degree






Mohammad Khalid



Teaching Assistant

Bachelor's degree






Identification of Biology Department

Introduction and brief history of the Department of Biology

The Department of Biology is an active academic unit within the framework of the University of Education and Training of the Daikendi Institute of Higher Education, which aims to train scientific staff, experts, professional and trained teachers in the field of biology in the form of a standardized curriculum approved by the Ministry of Higher Education by It is expert staff.

The Department of Biology was established in 2013 under the name of the Department of Chemistry and Biology with the establishment of the Faculty of Education in Daikendi Higher Education Institute, and in 2016 it was separated from the Department of Chemistry and Biology independently under the name of the Department of Biology. This department currently has six members of the academic staff, two of whom are studying for a master's degree, two of them are studying for a master's degree, and two of them are studying for a bachelor's degree. The Department of Biology had five successful graduations until 1402  and the total number of students in this department in was 77 person.

The department's point of view

The Department of Biology wishes to have professional , qualified and active teachers and leaders in the field of biology in the field of teaching , research and pedagogical skills , with professional commitment and honesty , without He considered language, ethnicity, race, region and gender ; To teach science , expertise and profession .

M A M U R Y T Department

The Department of Biology has the mission to:

  • The program of the past science has been taken to the national and international level , including the new educational courses in order to train professors and professional teachers and specialists in the field of biology in order to meet the needs of the institutions . It offers higher education , teacher training institutions and schools in the country .
  • Providing high quality education in the field of biology for school graduates and graduates of the 14th grade of Darul-ul-Mulamyin , teachers in the cities  both private and public  .

Goals educational string biology

Goals educational Department biology particle for direct object Cases Below formation They give :

  1.  create bed rest for teaching, research and Education standard and with quality, in section Hi different biology for All students .
  2. development and improvement quality teaching, research and Education, provision Building the context use Effective systematic from technology contemporary and Program educational and equipping biology laboratories with the necessary materials and technologies of the modern age .
  3. provide stock exchanges short duration and long duration for Masters because of upgrade towards education .


Results expected

   Department­biology wish has that one pattern active, with discipline and cutie done with Criterion Hi national and between international be​ according to Goals plan done E self answer Sphere requirements society that indeed education Masters and teachers professional, expert with faith committed and Loyal to values great human and national is, be​ Department hope War is graduates it which is free from Affiliation ethnic religious, Linguistically Your name education done are can to level national and between international with graduates period Bachelor of Biology Countries cross border from Considering knowledge and occupation competition do ; give order Department mission particle for direct object that in equal to God, nation and society has honestly to perform.

Definition of biology graduates

The program (Biology Department) of Daikendi Higher Education Institute, in order to train expert, professional and active leaders for (educational institutions, to train professional and expert professors and teachers in the biology department to meet the needs of the institutions Higher education , teacher training institutions and schools​​​​ In the field of teaching, research and pedagogical skills, it has been created with professional commitment and honesty, regardless of language, ethnicity, race, region and gender. Accordingly, the program (biology); A person is considered a graduate of his bachelor's degree who has completed at least 146 credits in a four-year study period (8 semesters) and has the following conditions in terms of knowledge, skills and behavior:

  1. In the knowledge section: Graduates of the field of biology have relative knowledge in (biology) programs, especially about the basics of biology, general biology, anatomy and physiology of the human body, genetics, microbiology, histology, embryology, parasitology, general plants, plant physiology, psychology, Islamic culture and have ... Understand its role in industry and trade, science, education, agriculture, medicine, spices, etc.
  2. In the skills section: a graduate of the program (biology) is a person who; To the extent necessary, he should be familiar with the international language (English) and the specialized language of biology, have the ability to prepare and organize scientific articles in the field of biology, and be familiar with computer programs and programs and have the ability to solve his own problems in the relevant departments.
  3. In the field of conduct: a graduate of the ( biology) program is a person who, in addition to his specialized and professional curriculum, respects Islamic and national values, good morals and academic conduct, religious orientation and patriotism, respect for religious and legal values. And he has learned a person who can ensure justice in all matters in the best way and is committed to his homeland and duty and considers Allah the Exalted as the supervisor and auditor in doing all the present affairs.

The field of work for biology graduates

Biology is one of the natural sciences. Its use in the field of industrial production and especially in the production of pharmaceuticals and other applications is of particular importance. Mostly, there is a great need for specialized and professional biology teachers in schools. In addition, as professional experts in the fields of agriculture and industry, biological science is used for coding methods, types of medicinal spices, preparation of antibiotics...

The following points prove the need to create this science and the field of work of this field:
· Eliminating the shortage of scientific staff for universities and higher education institutions of the country .
· Training biology teachers to teach biological sciences in public and private schools .
· Being responsible for teaching in the field of biology as well as leading and guiding the laboratories .
· Cooperation in various fields of biology in universities and other research institutions of the country .






The list of professors in the biology department - Daikundi Institute of Higher Education


Links to articles


mobile number


degree of education

Scientific rank






Head of department

Bachelor's degree

  Teaching assistant



sayyed Mohammad





Teaching assistant








Teaching assistant







Bachelor's degree

Teaching assistant



Mohammad hamid




Bachelor's degree

Teaching assistant







Bachelor's degree

Teaching assistant








front message

Message the head of Daikendi Higher Education Institute


1 year 1 month ago

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

But then: universities and institutions of higher education are among the most importent educational institutions of the country, which under the leadership of the respected official of the Ministry of Higher Education of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, to raise and educate the children of the country and present them as human resources based on the demand of the labor market in today's societies with All the commitment and perseverance are working on behalf of the educational institutions of the country to realize the goals of the government the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan in the direction of economic, social, and cultural development. It is also responsible for the basic task, as during the recent years, the leadership of the Ministry of Higher Education  the Islamic Emirate has tried and have made unrelenting efforts to rebuild the higher education system for the qualitative growth of educational institutions so that higher education institutions can respond to the growing needs of society and reach the level of the third generation of universities that advanced societies have achieved, without a doubt Many of the country's educational institutions remained, except for the first generation, which are basically degree-oriented, while today some of the country's educational institutions have reached the second generation (science-oriented) and with the current situation, we will soon witness the third generation; Or the production-oriented generation, we will be the universities of the country, which will play an essential role in production, strengthening the industry and economy of the country and will cause a positive change in people's lives. Undoubtedly, the efforts of the leadership of the Ministry of Higher Education of the Islamic Emirate have not been ineffective, and today we are witnessing the qualitative change and development of the country's higher education institutions in accordance with the previous years, although in quantitative terms, the educational institutions of the country and in accordance with that, the increase of educational programs in 20 years Recently, they have had a little excessive growth, but we must not forget that only dealing with the quantity cannot bring us to the basic goals, which are training and providing human resources based on the demand of the labor market and the needs of the society. The ministries of higher education and educational institutions of the country have been placed, attention has been paid to the quality of higher education institutions, and as a result of the efforts of the relevant stakeholders, valuable steps have been taken to pay attention to the quality of higher education institutions, which has been a remarkable success. Among these achievements can be the creation of independent posts of the Quality Promotion and Accreditation Directorate, drafting the bill of duties of quality promotion and accreditation committees, implementation of scientific program review (APR), implementation of financial support, implementation of infrastructure projects, support of publications and magazines. Scientific and sending professors to master's and doctorate scholarships mentioned that these steps to achieve qualitative strategic goals can imply the scientific progress of educational institutions.


      Daikundi Institute of Higher Education, located in the center of Daikundi Province, Nili City, is one of the newly established and growing institutions in the country, and considers itself committed to the implementation and implementation of quality assurance programs to achieve the high goals of the Ministry of Higher Education and towards the standard Sazi strives in academic, educational, research and service programs to receive national and international credit as a standard educational institution, with this view, the leadership of the Higher Education Institute and the honorable Directorate of Quality Promotion and Accreditation have honestly tried to ensure that all departments and adjust the programs of the higher education institute based on the criteria of quality improvement and crediting; to be ready for review by the review board.

      Hereby, while appreciating the all-round support of the hardworking team of the honorable Ministry of Higher Education for the implementation of quality improvement and accreditation programs, as well as my dear colleagues in the honorable scientific, financial and administrative vice-chairs, the honorable deans of faculties, the honorable directorate of quality improvement and accreditation, the committee I express my gratitude and appreciation to all the dear ones who have worked hard in the preparation and arrangement of the self-evaluation report for the year 1401 of Daikundi Institute of Higher Education, and I wish them further success from the door of the Holy of God.

  Engineer Mohammad Nasser Hanzalah, the head of Daikundi Higher Education Institute
